I received the B.S degree in computer engineer in 2017 and the M.S degree in computer technologies research in 2018, both from the University of Extremadura (UEx), Mérida, Spain. I got my PhD with CUM LAUDE distinction and international mention in research related to light and color management in real-time rendering of 3D scenarios in March 2022 at the Centro Universitario de Mérida, Spain under the supervision of Dr. Pedro José Pardo Fernández. Currently, I am working at the Justus-Liebig University under the supervision of Prof. Karl Gegenfurtner as a PostDoc Researcher in the ERC project "Color 3.0: An object-oriented approach to color", working on user perception and color constancy in virtual reality devices. During this time my area of interest was hyperspectral images, color appearance and virtual reality, with a focus on applying perceptually-motivated solutions.
Currently, I am working on cybersecurity in virtual and augmented reality device communications at the University of Extremadura under a project in collaboration with INCIBE.

University of Extremadura
Centro Universitario de Mérida
Sta. Teresa Jornet, 38
06800 Mérida, Extremadura
+49 0641 9930041 - Ext. 26147